

I am currently using administrative social care and education data to explore the educational outcomes of children in England who have been in care or on the edge of care. I am also involved in the national, independent evaluation of the Mockingbird Family Model of foster care.


Oct 2017 – DEC 2017: Children’s Policy Research unit, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health, University College london

As a research associate, I undertook a scoping project to explore the feasibility of using administrative health data to explore the burden of childhood adversity among children in England. This work is currently ongoing.


Oct 2014 – Sept 2017: Administrative Data Research Centre for england/GOS Institute of Child Health, University College London

For my PhD I characterised the use of out-of-home care among children in England using longitudinal administrative social care data. As part of this project I measured the cumulative incidence of placement in care and described cumulative care histories throughout childhood, including changes over time. I also identified common types of out-of-home care using latent class analysis and explored placement stability using sequence analysis. These findings refined our understanding of how out-of-home care is used as a social care intervention.


Oct 2012-Sept 2014: Patient Experience Research Centre, Imperial College London

As a mixed methods research assistant I carried out quantitative analysis of national and local data related to cancer patient experience. I also used mapping, observation and in-depth interviews with patients and staff to explore the experiences of women with breast cancer throughout their patient journey.


May-Sept 2012: School of Public Health, Imperial College London

For my MPH dissertation I analysed routine STI surveillance data to evaluate the sexual health and service utilisation of sex workers attending genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in England. I also conducted a national cross-sectional survey of GUM clinics and key informant interviews to provide context to the results of the data analysis.